Do you hire people?

We help match people to roles with validated 'Position Profiles'

LDP Recruitment Position Profiles

We have many roles validated, and the list is always growing, here are two examples:

When hiring Sales People, you can identify the applicants with the personality type that are statistically more likely to achieve:

  • 19% Higher Close Ratio
  • 79% Higher Revenue per Sale
  • 59% Higher Total Revenue
View a sample report

When hiring General Managers, you can identify the applicants with the personality type that are statistically more likely to achieve:

  • 148% Higher Performance Ratings
  And their branches achieve
  • 83% Higher net Profit
  • 19% Lower Accounts Receivable
  • 24% More New Clients
View a sample report

Would you like to know how to hire more of your highest-performing team members? We can create a validated score card specifically for any role within your organization.

  • Low cost per use
  • Massive benefits in hiring with far greater predictability for success
  • Finally you can hire more people like them
  • Reduces the risk in high volume recruitment environments
View a sample report

Build it into your recruitment process. It's really cost effective, takes the applicant 10-12 minutes on average, and the report is instantly available for you to view or download.

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Read more on LDP for Recruitment and Selection

Key Benefits

When used in recruitment, the LDP suite of tools has the following advantages:

  • Hire better performing sales people more often (statistically proven, try it for yourself).
  • Not arduous for applicants (96 questions, mobile friendly ~10-12 minutes to complete)
  • Both simple and in depth reports
  • Simple to administer and use
  • Branded for you
  • Customizable reports - visually match an applicant to the profile you are seeking
  • Cost effective
  • Robust academic rigor with extensive norming and worldwide usage
  • Reports can be generated for other purposes such as team building, sales and leadership development - all from the single use cost
  • Customizable survey, ask other pre screening questions in the single survey "Do you have a current and valid driver's license?"
  • A range of validated surveys pre existing e.g. How closely does the applicant match the profile of the highest performing Gm's?
  • Specialized Sales Profile - does the applicant match the personality DNA of the highest performing sales people?
  • Does this applicant match the profile of my other high performing people?
  • Specialized Leadership Profile - does the applicant match the Leadership Profile we need?
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