PD Training provides expert instructional design services to support any initiative.
We help clients on diverse needs by engaging in a consultative process with their SME's (Subject Matter Experts) to produce clear materials that are easy to use and follow.
The client is always provided full unlimited ownership of everything produced and is provided with the editable source documents.
We'll happily match your corporate style guide, and our style brings the documents to life with a fresh and modern look and feel.
In some cases, our clients ask for Train the Trainer training to prepare their internal resources to deliver the materials, and we're often asked to supply Specialist Trainers to deliver the materials the Instructional Designers have prepared.
We look forward to working with you in whichever capacity will support your specific needs the most.
Contact us today, we'll make it a surprisingly simple process.
Supporting leaders and teams around the globe, we're proud to mark 15 years of growth, innovation, and success. Thank you for being part of the PD Training journey. The future is looking bright!